Wednesday 23 February 2011

The shopping with no waiting

In the middle of a day of weekday I went to glossary shopping 100 percent by bus and no walk. It has been possible ever since the first by taking student shuttle and 201 which come frequently and connect amazingly with no waiting time at all during the day time of weekdays. The reason I did not try this ever before was because I was too bothered to shop during the convenient time zone, then ended up procrastinating to the weekend's night, the most inconvenient time zone for bus takers.

Monday 21 February 2011

The donation

This evening I went to Trader's Joe for the second time today. Before I shopped at Trader's Joe, I went down stairs of Village Square to use the bathroom. After I got out of the bathroom, I was stopped by a boy aged around high school. He was talking to me a memorized sales talk in a triple speed and gave me a card. I was hardly catching the words he was saying but he was simply asking me for the 20 dollars of donation for a organization I had never heard of. I suppose the organization can be fake for the high chance because of the cheep looking card which does not contain any valuable information,however, it said 'Nevada'. the poor looking boy came all the way down from Nevada to ask people some money. Well, I would say 20 is too much. If it is a dollar, maybe I'm o.K. to contribute to his financial situation but 20 is way too much.
The core part of this happening was at the interaction between me and the guy. He offered me with a tax incentive of such; if I gave 30 instead of 20, he would write me a recite for tax deduction. Then I told him that I do not pay taxes because I am a student and neither my parents because they live in Australia.
Then, he was quite surprised assuming from the reaction and; somehow asked me a question of who were the foundations of Australia. I gave him the right answer 'prisoners'. Then he said 'that's right, you are so smart' and that was it. I told him 20 is just too much. I left.

The Glossary Shopping

The distance from ERC to La Jolla Village Square is about 2 miles and plus. The inconvenience of the bus routes and frequencies are tempting us to consider about the acquisition of cars. My 19 years old Korean friend who works out everyday and muscular cannot even walk and back from the mall, however, I can. The two points I am trying to make here is that the total weakness of the friend and the inconvenience of the system.
For one thing, the friend is too childish. It can be hard for the muscular youth to walk about a mile with some sopping backs though why cannot he stop swearing on all the way. I could have done some things worth but I did yell or swear. It is true that I have stamina and experience through persistent bike touring and trekking of hardcore distances and I am older with more sour experiences, however, I am still surprised with his childishness. Is it because I am not used to deal with younger people or he is just extra childish? It is impossible to figure any further than this. On the other hand, he also has some nice attitudes to show as supposedly that is the reason why I am still hang out with him time to time. He has bought me a birthday gift which no one had ever gave to me in my life except for my parents and grands. I know he is trying to behave nicely but not successful all the time. I should forgive him.
The physical distance to the mall from the ERC is immense as let me be more strategic about the purchases as I do not want to be bothered by the urgency of glossary lists. The stratege simply means the purchase by quantity in one time but as you know it is tough when I hold everything on my own. The reason why they do not have the accessible bus root from the ERC to the mall is because we are not supposed to shop at malls in regular basis because of the dinning hall plans which sucks so hard for the sense of general consumers. We are supposed to use dinning plans but it does not much our demands.

Saturday 19 February 2011

Noam Chomsky : Problems of knowledge and FREEDOM

The book I am currently reading as I finished the first half which is about Chomsky's theory of the interpretation of worlds. In the nuts shell what he suggest is that the system of interpretation is empirical and not behavioural. The empirical interpretation is something created by human beings as invariant structures which is designated to be adaptable to human minds. The children learn this invariant structures to attain the means of interpretations. The human beings can create this standard of invariant structures and this is the beauty of what human beings can do.
The second part is about the social phenomenon as we can see FREEDOM in the title. That was pretty much a philosophical and linguistic reading I have not done for the past two years but the time before. I has been a interesting and worthy for the training mean.

The obesity

Lately, I have been quite fat for a obvious reason that I do not have the effect mean of exercising any more. The bikes I have got stolen was pretty expensive although it was fully insured. Considering the recent financial and time management wise conditions, it is unrealistic to buy a bike in U.S. even though I am getting exquisitely obese these day from the feeling of the tightness of my T-shirt and the roundedness of my face has become. How can I solve this problem without working out in the sweaty RIMAC. I have tried couple time though, it was too painful to continue for the sufficient amount of time. There was no joy I could expect to my bike. The other way I can control is the input of the food I sustain on. It should work if I do it right but not as so far to be controlled. How can I deal with this kind of thing which I have no clue with? Well, in fact I do but I am not on the motivated action. Should I wait until I get motivated by worth sign of obesity? No way.

Friday 18 February 2011

The market failure of Ph.D

As "over Doctors" is a common term in the industry of scholars, the demand and supply simply does not see their equilibrium on its specific labour market. I personally thinking of pursuing Ph.D of Economics because I know a professor of Economics who explained about me of the options of jobs I can have as a Ph.D of Economics. One is the Professor which is highly competitive, another is the private firms' researcher and the other is the officer of public organizations such like U.N. or Central Banks. When I heard this, I was pretty positive about the life plan as a Ph.D; however, the career as Ph.D in general is not so brightly paved as I come to know lately.
One specific reason for this is because the skill which Ph.D has is very specific on certain field. Of course Ph.D also has highly established skills which is universally adaptable such as analytical skills and problem solving skills; meanwhile if those skills were not well presented on the appeal to the people of different industries, it is extremely difficult for those Ph.D holders to attain deserving employments. The failure of the presentation of your labour value to the employees simply drop the title into the categories of "over doctors". As the general recognitions the M.A.s are relatively unspecified on its skilled compared to Ph.Ds, then employers usually expect those to be more adaptable to their businesses or public duties.
My professor has got a job in the business sector and the public sector but not a position as a Professor when he finished his Ph.D. but finally achieved it in Sophia and now he transferred to the position in Kent University in England. The reason why he could be successful in the start of his career was because of his bilingual skill I assume. The all jobs he has got in the first place was in Japan and of course, bilingual Ph.D is quite precious in Japan. Further more he perhaps could present himself better than other competitors.
So as he had his own strategy to win the game of job hunting he has done a great work. Meanwhile that is only a success story that I could only hear, it does not guarantee my success. On the other hand, I even have problems to go to graduate school as to speak of my current situations. I need to prepare for the applications and such and if I were not going to pass the applicant selections. I do not even have a choice to do anything but a 'over Bachelor'.

The British Education

My parents always say my English proficiency should have been improved dramatically since I have stayed in American college for almost half a year, but in fact it is not as they can imagine especially when it comes to U.S. Education wise speaking, there is no way I can increase my English proficiencies out of course works of Economics because they do not require much to read and write; however, if I have done the same things in British college, it would be completely the opposite situation. If they wanted me to improve my English proficiency, why would not they encourage me to go to a British college? It is simply because they would not know the fact I talk about. They do not know anything about outside of Japan; meanwhile they talk and be decisive about the things they do not know only with the source of their imaginations. It is pretty ridiculous.

The morning of Feb 18th

The morning I wake up at 7:56. I went to bed last night around 7pm; so technically I ended up with sleeping about 13 hours. I did not brush my teeth because I was only supposing to have a nap went I reached to my best in the last evening. Around the same time I woke up, my room mate next to me woke up too and started to take shower. Yes, I can hear everything thanks to the paper thin wall of ERC and I-house. There is no privacy we can expect; you can hear every single noise your neighbours make so evidently they hear yours. It has been huge stresses for my stay in UCSD but I have to deal with it in anyway because I cannot release the housing contract. I can release it for the Spring quarter but I know it will not help that much in comparison to off campus in current situation anyway.

I am rather settled and adapted to this living environment. So, should be so happy.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Bookstore at UCSD

I happened to have less stock of lead of my pencil then I went to UCSD bookstore on the way back from the midterm in Centre Hall. After I picked up the lead I found the half off section of t-shirts. there were tempting because I wanted those with UCSD logos and they also can be nice souvenirs to Japan. The original costs of t-shirts were from 15 to 25. So, it gets to be half off, however, even so I need to spend couple of ten bucks for the total purchase which turns out to be a bit of expenditure. Then I came up with the idea that the sale like this can be coming up after the Spring quarter which is about the time I need to go back to Tokyo, so I can buy quantities of souvenirs around that time even though, I am not sure that kind of thing can be going on. Meanwhile, what I basically had in my mind was that it was a little too early to think about souvenirs for the next summer in February.
At the end of entire shopping time about the 30 minutes I bought one nice t-shirt, leads and a neck strip for my keys and cards to replace the old FUJI SPEEDWAY's one.

The second midterms

I had second midterms today. They were Public Finance and Macroeconomics which both were at pretty fair in the level of difficulty. Especially, comparing to the last midterm of Public Finance, the one I had this time was way easier to solve. I am absolutely relieved today for the end of midterms and the way they went. Considering the fact that I had a rough night of sickness and insomnia yesterday, today's performance was something way beyond of what I could have expect to myself.

The dislike of the home country

My accumulative disappointments to my home country is pretty rigid to be conquered by by any seduction and refutation; however, I have got something to say about the problem of the detachment to my home country. In fact my country is not so bad as I can logically say because there are so many worth examples I can pick up to make them my home country such as China, North Korea, poor African countries etc... I should see more bright sides of what I born with. That can be the easiest way to make myself happier.

The excellence of the cleaning as it posted

The black cleaning guy in I-house never have cleaned as suffice or as at all. He is of course, causing a lot of troubles with residents. Today, I heard a British guy complaining at him when I was at stairs and found the door of a random room open. The excuse he always uses to everyone is that he has an extra apartment to clean. He always insists the excuse though, when has he built a new I-house building? I would like to see the extra building which keeps him so busy.